Project Overview

Many schools have recently embarked upon initiatives in digital scholarship – those forms of scholarship largely in the humanities and humanistic social sciences that emphasize digital tools and infrastructure, as well as accompanying expertise and support. These initiatives bring new challenges, such as meeting the growing demand for technical support from faculty and students with trained staff and necessary hardware and software. Even institutions with well-established programs struggle to keep pace.

The Digital Liberal Arts Exchange is a new way of solving the problem of growing and sustaining support for digital scholarship on your campus.

The Exchange fosters deep collaboration amongst its partners. Through the Exchange, partner schools will be able to connect with expertise at other partner schools, while sharing their own expertise through online and campus exchanges.

We have published a draft Prospectus  that is open for comment through 2017. Based on the outcome of these comments, we will decide upon a course of action.

To learn more about the history of this effort, you can review the various documents and reports that we have created as part of our planning effort.

Contact: Michael Roy, Dean of the Library, Middlebury College